Friday, 7 September 2012

Sometimes, I wonder:

  1. Who thought of the reply to “What’s up?” as “Nothing much” and then circulated it to every living soul of this country? How and when it became the standard reply?
  2. Why were all the mushy feelings attributed to heart and not to, for instance, kidney or liver?
  3. Who thought of rainy season as romantic; why was it universally accepted by all the poets? Had these poets never visited Bombay in monsoon season?
  4. Why were Saturday and Sunday chosen as the weekly holidays? Wouldn’t it be more convenient if the weekly holidays were Wednesday and Sunday?
  5. How did everyone in our country realize the importance of change money (chutte paise) that they never want to let them go? Was it taught by Gandhi as one of his talismans?
  6. How did the generation of our parents and grandparents manage to look busy without computers in their offices? Did they keep refreshing the pages of the files kept on their desks?
  7. Why ain’t all the days of a week of same duration? It would have been great if 24 hours of Monday were equal to 24 hours of Saturday.
  8. Why is our to-do list not like drivers’? They never have any pending tasks for tomorrow.
  9. How did we use to kill 15 seconds in an elevator in pre-cell phone days?
  10. Why is it so important to end everything in multiples of 5 or 10? A lot of my grey cells would have been saved if I just ended this post with the first 9 points only!

1 comment:

  1. Hahhaa! Superb post. This all makes just perfect sense.
    Every thing seems weird if we think of their history.
