Sunday, 4 September 2011

Work Laugh

Scientists have discovered a new form of laughter. They claim whether we agree or not, we all (salaried people) seem to have something called as “Work Laugh”! It is loud, abrupt, achy and strictly displayed at one’s work place. More often than not, the person making this noise does it involuntarily. It is definitely not the best medicine but it is a remedy…remedy to boss’s silly jokes.

Some of the attributes of this strange noise are:

  1. Its occurrence and intensity are directly proportional to the hierarchy in an organization. The higher the position of the person cracking a lame joke, the frequent and louder it becomes.
  2. This sound is never made on a lighter note. It is strenuous both physically and mentally, to say the least. For better impact, some people also believe in shaking their whole bodies while making this creepy sound.
  3. It has been observed that it is never continuous. Rather, it is intermittent.
  4. On a positive side, it can be viewed as a form of exercise. Hence, if one makes this noise for 10 minutes every day, one can successfully burn a lot of calories; the exact amount is still unknown.

My take on the same? Oh, I don't know. I am a hard core technologist, I prefer using the word "Lol". And, for displaying more intensity, I get away by increasing the number of O's in Lol.

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